In Harry Potter canon, Ron and Hermione end up together in the end. After years of being friends, and often having a bit of a contentious relationship, they begin their relationship in the final book and go on to get married and have kids. While many people love these two together, others feel like they weren’t a great match. Even J.K. Rowling has mentioned that Ron and Hermione might not have been the most sensible couple.

Because of this, we’ve put together a list of other people that would have been better for Ron and Hermione to date and that would make more sense.


While Hermione and Ron might have been good friends for years, Ron was probably even closer friends with Harry than with Hermione. These two really understood each other in ways that Hermione didn’t.

While Harry and Ron had their moments where they didn’t get along perfectly too, they were really loyal to each other. As a couple, they likely would have enjoyed just hanging out and playing Quidditch and probably wouldn’t have fought too often.


Now, this is a pairing that might not be super common. While there are many fan fiction ships in Harry Potter fandom, some of the relationships are more popular than others. While in the books they don’t know each other well and Cho gets jealous of Hermione because she feels Harry spends too much time with her, in another world, they could have been good together.

They are both quite smart, and Cho is a little more gracious and calm than Hermione in some ways, which would have provided a good balance.


Ron and Lavender are a couple that does get together briefly in the books, and they aren’t necessarily a perfect match. However, when they do start dating, they are both really young, and it’s clearly an immature relationship.

However, in many ways, these two are more evenly matched when it comes to maternity level. They can both be a little dramatic and too intense about their feelings. So, with time and a bit more growing up, they might have been better suited than Ron was for Hermione.


This is another couple that briefly happens in the book. However, when Viktor and Hermione briefly date, Hermione is still rather young, and she clearly isn’t that interested in a romantic relationship. While Viktor is shown to have his flaws, he actually treats Hermione better in many ways than Ron does.

He takes the time to take her on a nice date, and he’s clearly emotionally invested in her. Ron, on the other hand, is often super clueless about his own feelings.


Luna and Ron might never have had anything even close to a romantic relationship in the books, but they actually could have been great together.

Ron always enjoyed Luna’s company and thought she was entertaining. As Luna got older and a little more grounded, she could have easily been a good match for Ron. She would have balanced out his worst tendencies and would likely have been less condescending about things that Hermione was toward Ron.


Now, this might not seem like a great match at first because when these two are younger they seem quite opposite. Neville as a young teen isn’t very confident or good at magic, but as he gets older, he becomes extremely brave and capable.

Hermione is also always a good friend to him throughout the years, and this friendship could have developed into something more romantic as they got older.


This is another couple that actually gets a nod in both books as well as in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. In an alternate reality created by Albus and Scorpios, Ron and Padma actually end up together and get married. While they don’t seem to have the most romantic relationship ever, it’s clear that even J.K. Rowling thought that in another world they could have ended up being a couple.

However, given how Ron treated Padma at the Yule Ball, they definitely weren’t meant to be in every universe.


While Ron might be the person that Hermione ends up with, there is definitely a strong argument to be made for her ending up with Hermione instead. These two actually got along better more of the time than Ron and Hermione ever did.

They were really supportive of each other, and Harry was a lot more emotionally mature than Ron. There’s no denying that they were really important to each other, but it also makes sense to have them as really good friends. It’s not hard to imagine that they could have also done well as a romantic couple.


This is another pairing from Harry Potter that isn’t necessarily talked about even in the fanfiction world. However, these two would have likely been great together. They both could be a bit moody and emotional, and they were about on the same level of maturity.

They had similar interests and were on a more equal level when it came to things like magic ability. They likely would have been pretty evenly paired in many ways.


Hermione and Ginny are definitely an underrated couple that could have been great together. These two are actually really good friends, even if their friendship doesn’t get as much focus because most of the book is from Harry’s perspective.

They are both driven, intelligent, independent women who would be able to inspire one another and challenge one another in positive ways. Unlike Ron, Ginny has a lot of the intensity that he has but also a lot more maturity and ability to deal with emotional issues.