Anyone who is even remotely familiar with the Harry Potter book and film franchise probably knew that Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger were going to end up together at the end of the series. And it’s hard to argue that they’re not a fantastic match for one another. They complement each other in a lot of ways, contrast each other in a lot of ways, and they ultimately seem to share a sincere, deep love.

However, Ron wasn’t Hermione’s only option for a potential forever love match. Viktor Krum only made a brief appearance in the Harry Potter series and in Hermione Granger’s life, but it’s safe to say that as soon as the world-famous Seeker laid eyes on Hermione, he was a smitten kitten. So with that in mind, here are five reasons why Viktor Krum was the better choice for Hermione, and five reasons why Ron was the perfect match all along.

Ron: Brings out a different side of Hermione

You know that old saying that opposites attract? Well that’s clearly true when it comes to Hermione Granger and her attraction to Ron Weasley. But there’s also a pretty obvious reason why so many people tend to be drawn to love interests that are so completely unlike them. Being with someone who contrasts you instead of complements you often times forces you to come out of your shell and do things that you wouldn’t normally do, and this is a recurring element of Ron and Hermione’s friendship, and eventually their romantic relationship as well. Ron will always tell Hermione that it’s okay to break the rules, and she needs that.

Viktor: Hermione is his dream girl

Why in the world Hermione isn’t more people’s dream girl, we’ll never know. But what made Viktor Krum such a wonderful choice for Hermione is that she was legitimately his ideal woman. He was a boy who could have had his pick of any girl, and Hermione was always his first choice.

Hermione is an absolute stunner and a superstar at literally everything she does, but that usually earns zero attention or straight-up ire from the people around her. She deserves to feel like she is wanted above anything or anyone else, and Viktor never hesitated to let her know that she was.

Ron: Knows And Loves The Worst And Best Of Hermione

When it comes to romantic relationships or even average friendships, it’s safe to say that most pairs won’t experience even close to as much craziness as Hermione and Ron had already experienced together before they even reached the age of 20. They’ve seen each other at the highest highs and lowest lows the world has to offer, and through it all, Hermione still loved Ron and Ron still loved Hermione. Most people couldn’t say that they’ve shown their worst sides to someone without fearing rejection or abandonment, and while Ron has occasionally faltered, he was always right by Hermione’s side in the end.

Viktor: Treats Her Like A Lady

Viktor and Hermione’s relationship was brief, and it may have been a bit longer if Viktor had just plucked up the courage to tell Hermione how he felt earlier on. Something that always stood out in their interactions is that Viktor always treated her with respect and courteousness. That’s not to say that Ron doesn’t have respect for Hermione — clearly he does — but he doesn’t really treat her properly. It was nice to see someone finally acknowledge Hermione in a more ladylike way, especially when Harry and Ron seemed to barely see Hermione as a girl.

Ron: No One Knows Her Better

Again, obviously Hermione and Ron’s childhood and teenage experiences don’t come close to the average kid’s, but through all of their trials and tribulations they’ve learned more about one another than most people would even think was possible.

Hermione knows Ron through and through, and Ron can read her like a book. Knowing someone, really knowing someone, is the strongest foundation of any relationship, and if someone can know you as well as these two know each other and still say that they want to be with you forever, then why would anyone ever choose someone else?

 Viktor: Hermione Needs To Branch Out

Anyone who has read or seen the Harry Potter series probably looks at the friendships and relationships between the Golden Trio and feels green with envy. However, when you ask what exactly Hermione has in her life outside of Ron and Harry, it’s hard to come up with anything significant and meaningful. That closeness is something that is truly irreplaceable, but it wouldn’t hurt Hermione to have some life experiences without her two constant companions. Viktor Krum offered her the opportunity to have something that was hers and only hers, and it may have been better for her personal growth if she chose him in the long run too.

Ron: He’s Her Best Friend

Ideally when you’re choosing a partner to be with for the rest of your life, you want it to be your best friend. Someone who gets you, understands you, will always be there for you, and actually sincerely likes you. So obviously on that relationship metric, Ron and Hermione are absolutely killing it. They occasionally fight like cats and dogs and often their perspectives on life are diametrically, but in the end they are really each other’s best friends. If you can fall in love with your best friend, then why wouldn’t you, and why would you ever choose anything different?

Viktor: Sees The Amazing Woman Hermione Is

Sometimes when you’re too close to something it’s hard to get a good look at the bigger picture, and that certainly seems to hold true when it comes to how Ron looks at Hermione.

Yes, he’s one of her best friends and he’s more comfortable with her than nearly anyone, but he seems to lose sight of the fact that Hermione is one of the most talented, smartest, and impressive women that he’s ever met. Probably that’s ever lived. Viktor was such a good match for Hermione because he actually understood what an incredible person she is, and he wasn’t afraid to let her know it.

Ron: Hermione’s Ride Or Die

Most people feel in their hearts and minds that they would die for the people that they love the most, but most don’t ever actually have to test that theory. But Ron and Hermione have done that ten times over. They have been through more life and death situations than they can probably count, and no matter how they were feeling about each other at the time, Ron has always proven himself to be ready and willing to put his life on the line for Hermione’s sake. That level of love and trust is rarer than a diamond, so it’s no surprise that Ron and Hermione wound up together in the end.

Viktor: Is An Overachiever Too

To be completely fair, it’s not as if Ron Weasley doesn’t have a ton of spectacular and unique qualities that make him more than worthy of being with someone like Hermione Granger. However, Viktor Krum is clearly the type of person who knows what he wants and will do whatever is necessary to get it. He’s extraordinarily skilled at a lot of different things, and he’s always wanting to do better. In short, he’s just like Hermione. Hermione is a super intense girl with a ton of potential, and she and Viktor undoubtedly would have brought out the best in one another.