There’s nothing like a mother’s love. And in the Harry Potter universe, there are some mothers that are more than just magical. There are also some who are not. The wizarding world is massive, and there are so many people involved in making families function, both magical and muggle. For every Mrs. Weasley, there is always someone who just isn’t cut out for the job of being a parent. And it’s not always that person’s fault, but that’s what makes for great storytelling.

Here, we’re taking a look at some of our favorite mothers in Harry Potter, and some who, let’s just say, aren’t drinking their coffee out of a “World’s Best Mom” mug anytime soon.


Of course, Molly Weasley is at the top of the list. She is the ultimate mom. Even though she has her own brood of seven children to take care of, pretty much all of which are unruly and wild, she takes Harry in as if he was her own. She doesn’t think twice about stepping in and becoming the mother that Harry has never had.

One of her most precious mom moments is in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone when Harry opens a Christmas present from Mrs. Weasley, to discover that she’s knitted him what Ron calls “a Weasley jumper.” This ends up meaning the world to Harry because he’s never experienced this before, and sees what it feels like to be part of a loving family.


While Petunia isn’t Harry Potter’s mom, she’s his mother figure to protect him from Voldemort’s curse. But she treats Harry so poorly. From forcing him to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs to verbally abusing him and neglecting him, this is just not something a good mother does.

Even if it’s not her own son. While we’re on the subject, she isn’t even that good of a mom to her own son, Dudley, because she allows him to grow up spoiled and unappreciative of anything and lets him get away with everything. She teaches him nothing except how to hate and judge people for things they can’t control, like Harry possessing magic powers.


In her own way, Lily protects Harry through Snape, as it’s Snape’s love for her that motivates him to watch over the boy throughout his time at Hogwarts. Despite Harry not knowing Lily in person very well, her voice is always in the back of his head, guiding him to do the right thing. Her Patronus brings him comfort and knowing what she did for him encourages Harry to keep going even when times get hard.

Lily’s death occurs as the ultimate sacrifice: to save her son, standing up to the most fearsome wizard in the world. And it’s this sacrifice that keeps Harry alive and starts the tale that we all know and love.


You may not remember this name, but you certainly know her son: Lord Voldemort himself. Essentially, the story goes that Merope came from a family filled with inbreeding, mental issues, and extreme abuse. She fell in love with a man named Tom Riddle, who didn’t love her back. So she used a love spell on him to marry him and became pregnant. Once the baby was conceived, she removed the spell, and Tom Riddle abandoned her.

She gave up on her life and died a few moments after giving birth to the young Tom Riddle. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Dumbledore reveals to Harry, “Merope Riddle chose death in spite of a son who needed her.” In choosing to give up on her life and abandon her son, Merope ultimately created the circumstances that would form the bitterness in young Tom Riddle’s heart, leading him to become Voldemort.


Hear us out on this one. Sure, Narcissa is part of Voldemort’s supporters and aligns herself with the Death Eaters. She isn’t necessarily a good person. But as far as being a mother goes, her love for Draco is undeniable. It’s evident many times that Narcissa wouldn’t hesitate to betray the Dark Lord and put her own life at risk for Draco. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, she even lies to Voldemort.

When she goes to check if Harry is alive, she lies and tells Voldemort he’s dead because he reveals to her that Draco is still alive. Keeping Harry alive means finding Draco, even if it means Voldemort may kill her. This move, done solely out of love for her son, contributes to Harry’s victory and puts her own life at risk, all for her son.


Sirius Black’s mother is a known muggle hater. While she is deceased before the books and movies take place, her attitude is well known as her portrait is verbally abusive to anyone who isn’t a pure-blood.

She supported Voldemort’s ideas of pure-blood supremacy. At one point, she disowned Sirius from the prestigious Black family tree because he didn’t agree with her opinions and thought he was too closely aligned with muggles. Not really a loving environment for a child.


Neville Longbottom’s grandmother is his mother figure in Harry Potter who takes him in after his parents survive a Death Eater attack and are permanently confined to St Mungo’s Hospital. While Augusta is extremely strict in raising Neville, and even worries that he may not have any magical powers at all, she is also fiercely loyal and, quite frankly, a badass. When Neville’s participation in the student rebellion causes her to be kidnapped, Augusta escapes and heads to Hogwarts to help fight with Neville and Dumbledore’s Army.

She doesn’t hesitate to put her own life at risk to help her son fight the bad guys, and she’s the one who seals the passage so Death Eaters can’t get into the school. By the end, she’s basically a grandmama bear who is extremely proud of her grandson.


While her son would go on to become one of the most powerful and beloved wizards (at least within the HP universe) in the history of the Harry Potter universe, Kendra Dumbledore’s parenting was more controversial. Dumbledore defends her decisions by arguing that his mother was doing the best she could for her family, but it’s clearly not the way that his sister, Ariana, sees it.

When Albus was young, his mother believed that her daughter was a Squib, and kept her locked in a cellar to hide her from the world as she was very ashamed of her muggle-born heritage. At some point, Ariana killed Kendra, and the circumstances around the incident are questionable at best.


Just like Lily Potter, Tonks makes the ultimate sacrifice to protect her young son. During the Battle of Hogwarts, in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Tonks is aware that she should stay home with her baby, but she can’t fathom not being there to help take down Voldemort’s army.

Knowing that Harry is his godson and that her own mother will take care of him, she decides to take the risk so she can be helpful in the battle. Ultimately, Tonks dies at the hands of Bellatrix Lestrange, making the ultimate sacrifice with her life to do her part in making a better world for her child.


Anyone who chooses to breed with Voldemort, the evilest being on the planet, is not choosing the best circumstances for a family. But that’s just what Bellatrix Lestrange does. A few years before Mrs. Weasley kills Bellatrix, the latter gives birth to Voldemort’s illegitimate child, a daughter named Delphini.

A result of this union between two utterly evil people, Delphini eventually grows up to become a dark witch and makes an appearance in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.