Harry Potter might not be a series that’s about romance, but romantic relationships are a part of the story especially as the main characters get older. Romantic relationships start to become an issue for Harry and his friends’ lives as they become older teens, and there are also many romantic relationships that are central for the older adults in this series. While the series isn’t a particularly romantic one, there are romantic moments and also characters that are better at love than others.

Here are the most romantic characters from the series ranked to lead up to the most romantic of all.


Severus Snape is on this list because he’s a character that many view as being motivated largely by romance. However, on the other hand, many fans have pointed out that Snape’s version of romantic love is really skewed and dark. While he might think that he loves Lily, and this love might motivate him to leave the Death Eaters, he never treated her that well, and his understanding of being in love is very selfish.


Hermione Granger might not seem like a super romantic character, but she is someone who has the emotional intelligence to understand relationships. This is especially true compared to many of the friends that surround her.

While she’s not someone who is likely to be into really gushy, romantic things, she is aware of her feelings when she has a crush on someone and can also see when someone has romantic feelings for her.


Cho Chang is someone who doesn’t get enough credit in the books. She dates Harry when they have both recently gone through a very traumatic loss. While Harry might be pretty clueless about how to be romantic, Cho definitely knows the script. This is why she takes Harry to a more typically romantic place on their date. While Harry might not appreciate her attempts, it’s clear that she is someone who likes the more sappy things in a relationship.


Ginny Weasley is mostly on this list because of her attempts at romance when she’s younger. When she first starts at Hogwarts, she develops a crush on Harry that continues to grow as time goes on. Because of her age, she’s not that good at handling these feelings, so she instead tries to show Harry she cares by doing things like sending him a singing valentine. While these might be childish attempts that she grows out of, Ginny is also romantic because of the fact that she’s such a good and level-headed partner for Harry.


Molly Weasley is someone that doesn’t seem like she’s a huge romantic, but the glimpses that we get of her and her relationship with Arthur show that she is. She and Arthur have been together since they were teenagers, and she’s clearly very in love with him. While they have a big family and a lot to worry about, it’s clear that their commitment to each other is paramount. So, while she might have a lot of other things to worry about, Molly is definitely a romantic underneath things.


Fleur Delacour gets a bad reputation from many of the people around her. Because she is so beautiful and her being part Veela, many women see her as a threat, and she gets labeled as being shallow and vain.

However, she proves that she is extremely romantic and also a really loyal person in her relationship with Bill. She is loyal to him after he is attacked by Fenrir Greyback, and she isn’t concerned about his looks at all. This just goes to show that she’s very committed to their relationship.


Hagrid is someone that spent most of his life without any romance in it, and he doesn’t seem like someone who would get caught up in all of the frills. However, when he meets Madame Maxine, he gets the love bug. He starts doing things like trying to dress up and fix his hair and beard. He is also rather infatuated by her and becomes forgetful in her presence. While their relationship might not last, it’s clear Hagrid has a bit of a soft spot for romance.


Viktor Krum is definitely more of a romantic in many ways than Ron Weasley is. While he’s got a lot of flaws, too, he goes out of his way to show he cares for Hermione.

When he asks her to the Yule Ball, he’s showing his romantic side, and he also goes out of his way to make sure she has a nice time on their date. Even after their brief time of dating, he continues to write letters to her and keep in contact.


Luna Lovegood is one of the biggest romantics of the entire Harry Potter series, but it’s not in the way that most of the other characters on this list are. Instead of being super romantic when it comes to love and relationships, she’s romantic about life and how she sees the world. She’s one of the dreamiest characters who has her head in the clouds. And, as far as love goes, she’s a super loyal friend who shows friends she cares about them. So, while she might not be someone who dates a lot in school, she’s a romantic in a different way.


Arthur Weasley is possibly the biggest romantic in the entire series because of how much he loves his wife. While we don’t get to see a lot of their relationship as the series is mostly told from Harry’s perspective, it’s clear that Arthur is really devoted to her. He even has a super cute nickname for her, “Mollywobbles,” and he accepts Molly how she is. He doesn’t mind that she has a bit of a temper, and he is clearly very much in love with her.